Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Twilight, Shmilight!

The kiddies are all in a roar over the latest installment of the Twilight series trailer for "New Moon". I, for one, cannot figure what all the fuss is about. The above clip premiered at Sunday's MTV Movie Awards, in which the first move won damn near all the awards including best movie of the year [burr???]. I was watching the show thinking damn, this movie must be the shit; it must be on some Harry Potter type stuff. So, after I watched the show I decided to watch Twilight for the first time ever. I must say, that movie is some straight DOODOO CHEESE! I've never read the book, but I can say that the plot was pretty good; it had potential, but the writing sucks! The movie is centered around a 16 year old girl, Bella, who moves from her mom's house in Arizona to live with her father in Washington State, because her mother and boyfriend decide to start road tripping around America. Once in Washington, Bella falls in love with "the most mysterious guy in school'' and gets mixed up with high school Vampires that choose only to drink the blood of animals and can go out in the sun [where their skin glitters like diamonds].
There was so much about the movie that I could not understand. The biggest confusion came from the simplest of things such as towards the end where an evil vampire used the school's records to track down Bella's mom in Arizona when the mom was supposed to be in Florida. He did all of this without knowing the girl's name. How he lured a woman in Florida to Arizona in one night, all the while traveling from Washington to Arizona himself truly baffles me. There was even a part in the film where the antagonist magically got Bella's cell number and made one of those "I-have-your-mommy-hostage" calls with the mother on the line screaming for her life. Somehow the mother ended up safe [without anyone coming to her rescue], and had absolutely no recollection of being held hostage in the first place. Or how throughout the whole movie Bella kept alluding to the fact that she didn't dance, but it turned out that she took ballet lessons as a child. The freakin movie never explained why she stopped dancing! Also, when Bella's life was in danger she had to devise a plan to move out her fathers house [to protect him from the evil vampire that was obsessed with killing her for no reason]. She pretty much stormed through the house in the middle of the night, told him she felt trapped, and left. Let me clarify that; THIS MAN LET HIS 16 YEAR OLD DAUGHTER TELL HIM THAT SHE WAS MOVING OUT, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT, TO DRIVE ALL THE WAY BACK TO ARIZONA FROM WASHINGTON STATE BECAUSE SHE FELT TRAPPED!!!! WHO DOES THAT???! Might I add that all of this happened in less than five minutes. And the worst part was that they didn't even show vampire fangs in this here vampire movie! Over all, I was pretty annoyed by this film. I was even more annoyed when I realized that it beat out other great movies at the MTV awards, such as Milk and the Dark Knight. And for some odd reason, I still want to see the sequel. Damn the kiddies and their teenie-bopper vampire flicks!


JaYdiZZle said...

While I'll admit this movie dows have its flaws, sir, you're really quite lost on some points of the film. So because I love to clarify and be nice, I'll fill in the blanks for two of your misunderstandings.

1. The hunter vampire that lures her to her old dance studio does so by tricking her into thinking that her mom is being held hostage at the studio when actually he is just playing a video cassette in the background with Bella's mom's voice on it. He stops and starts the tape so that she seems to be talking on que. I believe its something to the effect of "Bella, Bella where are you". So wasnt much to that part. He found out this info from the schools records, and I guess he was able to acquire her number as well.

2. In Stephanie Meyers series, the vampires dont have fangs. Weird, right?

Well, I agree that it wasnt the best adaptation in the world (I've read the four books), but it still deserved some of those awards. And yes, the sequel is very much anticipated on this side.

Over and Out

malik|alexander said...

I understand the whole video thing, but how did the Vampire get Bell's records without knowing her name? And how did the mother get to the hospital in Arizona so fast?

Still can't tell me why she stopped dancing, or why her father just let her leave in the middle of the night.

And a vampire with no fangs that can walk in sunlight aint no vampire, its a cannibal lol.

JaYdiZZle said...

lol. Yes, a cannibal, indeed. I hate the no fangs part even more than I hate the fact that they twinkle in sunlight lol. Not to mention only shapeshipters and vamps can kill vamps. I mean, wtf are we supposed to do?

As for stopping, in the little video that he plays to trick her, she does seem like she doesn't like dancing, which is why her mom is searching for her in the video. I think she's hiding. I guess she jsut didnt like it.

As for her father, well, he's a dumb ass who was vieing for his estranged daughters love and acceptance. The old guy would pretty much do anything to please her.

As for knowing her name, the movie skimmed over how he really got it. They were actually introduced to the hunter and the other two vamps thtat was with him. In the field where they are playing baseball and they meet the trio, they fully introduce, I believe. So blame the director I guess.

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