Finally Common give us something to dance lean to. This is of of his forth coming album entitled Invincible Summer [???] due out September 22, 2008. Billboard has described the album as "electro-tinged" and "techno-inspired."
Well, I must say, Hilary really gave a solid speech last night. I think she did a phenomenal job of bringing her supporters over to the Obama ticket. She represented herself well, she made Obama look good, and she was the first to openly attack McCain. "No way, no how, no McCain. Were you in this campaign just for me...." President Clinton and Joe Biden speak tonight, and the man of the year, Barack Obama, speaks tomorrow.
This is what happened when reporter Griff Jenkins and Fox News showed up at the Democratic Conventions. Fascist, Public Relations for the government, a corporate whore; I couldn't have said it better myself!