Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Trey Songz "Anticipation" Mixtape

Trey Songz has yet again surprised his fans with another unexpected mixtape. This time it consists of entirely new material that just missed the cut for his new album, "Ready", scheduled to hit stores August 4th. Here is what Songz said via his blog:
Musically, I'm currently in a creative space like no other. I feel as though whenever a mic is put in front of me, I can do no wrong. At a time in the music industry where album sales are low, fans are fickle, inconsistent, or more into the various songs than they are the particular artist, I feel that I must give u a reason to love me. Embed in you a desire to love me and an appreciation for the music. I must show you that not only do I LOVE what I do but I also do it well.

So without further adue, here it is. Download here.
Click the pic[s] for a larger view.


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